WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 2024 - 4:55 PM
l. Meeting called to order by Chairman of Local ABC Issuing Authority, by the Mayor.
2. Mayor leads in Pledge of Allegiance.
3. City Clerk calls the roll.
4. City Clerk reads Open Public Meeting Act Announcement.
5. Minutes:
A. June 26, 2024 ABC Minutes
6. Early Public Comment:
7. Resolutions:
A. Approving Person to Person and Place to Place Transfer (Expansion of Prerruses) of Cove Craft Cocktails & Cuisine, LLC, 3401 Pacific Avenue to Sabbia D'Oro Italiano, LLC, t/a Sabbia D'Oro Italiano, 3401 Pacific Avenue.
8. Public Comment:
9. Adjournment: