Photo from Instagram. Account name withheld for public safety reasons.
WILDWOOD, NJ – In April, Wildwood Police were made aware of an unsanctioned “pop-up” beach event planned for May 12-13, 2023, on the beach in Wildwood, NJ. The City Administration took immediate action and issued a Cease and Desist to the event planner. The order required them to stop advertising the event and to actively advertise against showing up at the event.
The City is pursuing legal action against the event planner with City Solicitor, Louis DeLollis, Esq., recently filing a Verified Complaint against the event promoter in the Superior Court of New Jersey. Along with the Complaint, DeLollis has also sought an injunction requiring the event promoter to advertise that the event has been cancelled and barring the event promoter from taking any action to encourage the promotion of the unauthorized pop-up event. On May 3, 2023, the Court signed an order granting the City’s request for the injunction, with a hearing date scheduled before the Court on May 11, 2023.
Currently, the City is demanding that the May 13-15 event planners advertise that their unsanctioned event is cancelled. They must post ads against coming to Wildwood, NJ, and they must cease and desist transporting people.
The public should be aware of any large or unusual groups seeking accommodation on this weekend. In the event inquiries or reservations are sought, they should contact the Cape May County Prosecutor’s Office at (609) 465-1135, or the information can be reported anonymously through the Cape May County Prosecutor's Office Anonymous TIP System by visiting cmcpo.tips. Information can also be reported to the Cape May County Sheriff’s Tip Line at cmcsheriff.net and click on anonymous tip, or through the Cape May County Crime Stoppers, 609-889-3597.
The City of Wildwood Police Department is working in unison with other municipalities, the county and state. All agencies are mobilizing and stand ready to stop this unsanctioned event.
Anyone who seeks to host an event in the City of Wildwood must seek a special event permit which notifies various agencies such as Police, Fire, EMT and Public Works. The application can be found at https://app.apply4.com/eventapp/usa/wildwood.