The Board of Commissioners have unanimously approved much needed infrastructure improvements for the betterment of the City of Wildwood. Many of these projects are partially funded by grants. The projects listed below represent what is underway presently. Future phases of infrastructure and road improvement that have been approved are at various stages of development. The City will provide updates on an ongoing basis. Please direct any questions to
Updated from 7/2/20 post
Project Name: City Streetlight Upgrade
Completion: December 2020
Costs: $140,000
Location: Citywide
Description: Changing city street lights to LED. LED lights require less maintenance and use less energy which will yield long-term savings to the city’s taxpayers.
Status: Work underway
Project Name: West Side Bulkheads
Completion: TBD
Costs: TBD
Location: Cresse Ave to 26th Ave
Description: Review all street end bulkheads. Apply for state and/or federal funding.
Status: Bulkhead survey to be completed by Fall 2020
Project Name: 1a
Completion: Spring 2022
Costs: Approximately 4M Financed by NJ Infrastructure Trust
Location: Miscellaneous locations within Cresse Ave and Hand Ave and Lake Road to Park Blvd
Description: Various improvements include replacing sanitary and water mains as well as upgrading storm water piping. Includes street repaving at various locations.
Status: Estimated start August 1, 2020
Project Name: 2a
Completion: Spring 2022
Costs: Approximately 8M Financed by NJ Infrastructure Trust
Location: Taylor Ave to Davis Ave, Niagara Ave to Park Blvd
Description: Various improvements include replacing sanitary and water mains as well as upgrading storm water piping. Includes street repaving at various locations.
Status: Estimated start October 1, 2020
Project Name: Pacific Avenue Flood Resiliency Project
Completion: Fall of 2022
Costs: 24M with a 15M grant from NJ Department of Environmental Protection
Description/Location: This project includes:
1. Removal of six outfalls on the beach between Cresse Ave and Spicer Ave
2. New pump station at Leaming Ave
3. New pipe from to Cresse Ave to Spicer Ave on Ocean Ave that collects side street storm water along from Pacific Ave East
· Project is awarded
· 2-year project
· The next two phases are being planned