Image: Dale Gerhard 1/25/16 Press of AC
The City of Wildwood Public Safety Department wants to keep you informed about flood prevention, safety and remediation. Our website has ample information for your reference. Please visit
1) The City of Wildwood provides advanced warning for flooding via the Code Red telephone notification system. Residents who do not already receive these warnings can register for them online at the City of Wildwood Emergency Management webpage at The City of Wildwood also provides warning with its siren system. Three long sirens will sound to notify residents of impending flooding. Flood warnings are also posted on the Emergency Management webpage, and on the City’s Facebook page.
2) Flood maps and flood protection references are available for viewing in the Construction Office at Wildwood City Hall, 4400 New Jersey Avenue. These include Wildwood’s past and current Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs); information, copies of, and advice on elevation certificates; and guidelines for coastal construction.
3) Officials in the City of Wildwood’s Construction Office can provide assistance and additional information on flood zones within the city, as well offer additional help and information when it comes to reading Wildwood’s Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). This includes information on the flood hazard, base flood elevations, historic flood data for specific locations, and areas with natural floodplain functions that require additional protection. Information and advice on flood insurance is available as well.
4) If requested, officials from the Construction Office will visit a property to review a flood problem and explain possible mitigation options to prevent continuing flood damage.
Please call the Construction Office at (609) 522-2444 ext. 2910 with any questions regarding
these services, or to make an appointment. These services are free of charge.