City of Wildwood
County of Cape May
State of New Jersey
Proclamation Honoring the
National Marbles Tournament
Whereas, Wildwood, New Jersey has been the home of the National Marbles Tournament for decades; and
Whereas, the tournament was founded in 1922 and has provided thousands of dollars in college scholarships to the national champions and winners of the sportsmanship award for their professional skills in the rings at the historic boardwalk Ringer Stadium every summer; and
Whereas, over 1,200 games are played over the four day tournament among a backdrop of ferris wheels and rollercoasters; and
Whereas, Champion Mibsters (marble shooters) from local tournaments around the United States compete in the big show, with families and fans cheering on their support; and
Whereas, Wildwood is proud to host the longest running youth marbles tournament in the country, this year celebrating their 100th Anniversary.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by virtue of the authority vested in us as Mayor and Commissioners of the City of Wildwood, County of Cape May, State of New Jersey, on behalf of all our visitors and residents, we do hereby commend the National Marbles Tournament for their vote of confidence and loyalty to the City of Wildwood, extending our personal thanks and appreciation for their dedication to our community.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we hereby join in the celebration of the National Marbles Tournament and declare throughout the City of Wildwood, June 22, 2023 as
National Marbles Tournament Day
Pete Byron, Mayor
Krista Fitzsimons, Commissioner
Steve Mikulski, Commissioner