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2020 Accomplishments

Writer's picture: Lisa FaganLisa Fagan


This report is a summary of accomplishments from the various departments in the City of Wildwood. It does not represent an exhaustive list but rather a summary of key initiatives that directly impact the public.


  • New Administration is sworn in.

  • President Trump Rally 1/28/20.


  • The Board of Commissioners authorized a resolution to pursue the Local Efficiency Achievement Program Challenge Grant to pursue efficiencies in Public Safety.

  • The Board of Commissioners authorized a resolution to designate Pacific Avenue as an area of redevelopment thereby launching the Pacific Avenue Redevelopment Initiative with Cape May County.


  • Covid-19 Shutdown begins 3/16/20.

  • Project Name: Pacific Avenue Flood Resiliency Project

o Completion: During 2021

o Costs: 24M with a 15M grant from NJ Department of Environmental Protection

o Description/Location: This project includes:

  • New pump station at Leaming Ave

  • New pipe from to Cresse Ave to Spicer Ave on Ocean Ave that collects side street storm water along from Pacific Ave East

  • Beach outfall pipe removal

  • Left turn signal at New Jersey and Rio Grande Avenue.

o Status: Project is on schedule. The next two phases are being planned and grants are being pursued.


  • Promotion Fire Department Chief Troiano & Deputy Chief Dunn.


  • Wildwood engaged with neighbors to find efficiencies in shared operations for Public Safety through Local Efficiency Achievement Program.

  • Accepted the Ferrara Fire Truck, bought and paid for by the County. This is a part of the Regional Urban Search and Rescue Team program resulting in zero out of pocket expense for Wildwood taxpayers.

  • Rob Feltwell promoted to Fire Captain and Kevin Kelly hired as as Firefighter.


  • Boardwalk Repairs

    • Collapse repairs were made in partnership with GWTIDA, City of Wildwood and Wildwoods Boardwalk Special Improvement District Management Corporation.

    • April 2020 Windstorm repairs were covered in full by insurance.

  • Pacific Avenue closure was granted in an effort to offset business losses caused by Covid-19 restrictions.

  • Black Lives Matter Peace Rally attended by Commissioners and Police Department.


  • A steering committee was formed for joint Fire Services for the Island to review facilities, equipment and manpower throughout the Wildwoods Fire departments and EMT. The Local Efficiency Achievement Program funds this study.

  • Wildwood Fire Department received two Assistance to Firefighters Grants from the Federal Emergency Management Agency representing a 95% federal share, leaving just 5% of the project cost to be covered locally. The grants covered:

    • Personal Protective Equipment for COVID-related activities.

    • Power cots for ambulances and the required installation.


  • Project Name: 1a

o Completion: Spring 2022

o Costs: Approximately 4M Financed by NJ Infrastructure Trust

o Location: Miscellaneous locations within Cresse Ave and Hand Ave and Lake Road to Park Blvd

o Description:

  • Mayor Byron along with Commissioners Mikulski and Fitzsimons approved some much-needed roadway improvements to alleviate drainage issues that have long plagued the neighborhoods along Lake Road, Susquehanna Avenue, Hand Avenue, Bennett Avenue and Hildreth Avenue.

  • The project includes replacing utility infrastructure and road resurfacing, curb and sidewalk improvements (including ADA compliance to add handicap ramps) and upgrading the storm drainage system. Upon its completion, the roads will be under a 5-year moratorium - meaning that no additional road construction will be permitted.

o Status: Estimated start Fall 2021

  • The United States Department of Agriculture is investing $38,000 to prepare design concepts for a pedestrian walkway from the Boardwalk to Pacific Avenue. Boardwalk SID is taking the lead while working with us on this initiative.


  • Standard and Poor’s Global Ratings (S&P), a leading provider of independent credit ratings, assigned its highest short-term rating of 'SP-1+' to the City of Wildwood meaning that the City is in good financial health despite the impact of COVID-19.

The strong S&P rating considered the following factors for the city:

  • Economy: per capita effective buying income (EBI) and market value per capita were analyzed.

  • Management: the City’s financial policies and practices were reviewed.

  • The agency recognized this administration’s response to the Covid-19 crisis contributing to this solid rating.

  • Project Name: West Side Bulkheads

o Completion: TBD

o Costs: TBD/Applying for grants

o Location: Cresse Ave to 26th Ave

o Description: Review all street end bulkheads. Apply for state and/or federal funding.

o Status: Survey is complete. City of Wildwood is working with North Wildwood and Wildwood Crest to coordinate wherever possible. Recommendations from an inhouse study group are forthcoming about prevention of west side flooding.

  • Selling City’s fleet of unused or aged vehicles continues to reduce insurance and maintenance expenses.


  • Pacific Avenue Redevelopment meetings

    • The Department of Environmental Protection and US Army Corps of Engineers are looking into beach protection via dunes and for further back bay preservation/flood mitigation.

  • Project Name: 2a

o Completion: Spring 2022

o Costs: Approximately 8M Financed by NJ Infrastructure Trust

o Location: Taylor Ave to Davis Ave, Niagara Ave to Park Blvd

o Description: Various improvements include replacing sanitary and water mains as well as upgrading storm water piping. Includes street repaving at various locations.

o Status: Estimated completion late 2021.

  • Halloween Trunk or Treat Event

    • This event was produced to facilitate a safe environment amid Covid-19. Many City Hall employees participated at Maxwell Field. Attendance exceeded expectations as children from various towns attended. This will become an annual event.


  • SOLCOW (Socratic Outdoor Learning Center Of Wildwood) a learning park located on New York Avenue and West Poplar Avenue was dedicated to the Glenwood Avenue School and the many volunteers who donated goods and services to create it.

Time Capsule


  • Project Name: City Review & Upgrade

o Completion: Audit expected in May 2021 and the City will implement recommendations as quickly as possible.

o Costs: TBD

o Location: Citywide

o Description: All City energy uses are being audited in all buildings for possible energy savings. We anticipate that those savings will be redirected into efficiency upgrades.

o Status: The City started reviewing companies to do a citywide full energy audit including but not limited to solar, streetlights, HVAC.

  • The first annual House Decorating Contest was launched with much success with 44 houses entered. The drive-around the island format ended with a spectacular Light Show at Holly Beach Park.


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