Roadwork will resume on the proposed Rio Grande Avenue Gateway project beginning the week of September 23, 2019. This phase of the project will include the installation of the southerly bridge parapet wall, drainage construction, roadway paving, installation of curbs, sidewalks and traffic signals along with many other project amenities. Work is expected to be completed by late May 2020 in anticipation of the tourist season.
Due to the scope and extent of the work, it will be necessary to shift traffic, detour traffic, and realign the traffic patterns through most of the construction period. Please note that these new traffic patterns will begin to be implemented during the week of September 23rd, and will remain in affect both day and night. Traffic will be maintained, but there will be delays resulting from the various traffic configurations that will be needed in order to execute the work. Traffic delays should be expected.
Starting on Monday, September 23rd the process of realigning traffic patterns will begin as the contractor will be removing the center median that exists along the easterly portion of the George Redding Bridge approach. In order to safely remove this barrier, the left lanes of both the eastbound and westbound traffic will be temporarily closed. Due to sight constraints, this closure will begin just west of the westerly bridge approach. It is anticipated that this traffic pattern will remain in place until Wednesday, September 25th.
On Wednesday, September 25th, the new traffic alignment will be implemented for the first phase of construction. Eastbound traffic approaching the George Redding Bridge will be channeled into the left lane as you approach the bridge crest and will continue to be shifted north over the original centerline of the roadway. Eastbound traffic will continue as a single lane from Susquehanna Avenue to Park Avenue. At the intersection of Rio Grande Avenue and Susquehanna Avenue, motorists will be permitted to make a right turn heading south toward Hand Avenue. However, Susquehanna Avenue will be closed to northbound traffic at the intersection with Hand Avenue.
Westbound traffic beginning at Park Avenue will be restricted to one lane, with the active lane being the north lane. Eastbound traffic will occupy the former left westbound lane. There will be single lane traffic in each direction starting at Park Avenue heading west to the easterly base of the bridge, at which point the existing two westbound lanes will resume. Susquehanna Avenue north of Rio Grande Avenue will be closed at Taylor Avenue. Traffic will be permitted to use Taylor Avenue, however, neither eastbound nor westbound traffic will be permitted to turn south onto Susquehanna Avenue at this intersection.
Hudson Avenue will be closed to traffic from Rio Grande Avenue to just north of the TD Bank driveway. This will be a permanent closure as this portion of Hudson Avenue is slated to become a pocket park.
Due to the lane realignments and revised traffic patterns, the traffic signals at the intersections of Rio Grande Avenue and Susquehanna Avenue and Rio Grande Avenue and Hudson Avenue will be deactivated. The signal at Hudson Avenue will be permanently removed, the Susquehanna Avenue signal will be replaced as part of the project.
Drivers are urged to use extreme caution when driving thru the work zone for their safety and the safety of the workers. Negotiating through the new traffic patterns will require a driver’s full attention, particularly at night and during bad weather. Businesses will be open and access to all business will be maintained, but may not be ideal. These traffic patterns will persist over the next several months and will be subject to minor adjustments and realignments in order to address other areas of construction within the project corridor.