Keeping you informed and working together to save your tax dollar is our goal.
Recycling is not only good for our environment but it is a cost effective approach to minimizing costs associated with our job of collecting your trash. Current costs to dispose of your trash are as follows: $71.00 a ton for garbage, $30 a ton for yard debris and $0 for recycling. In fact, the city receives a tonnage grant refund on the total amount of recyclables collected each year.
As you can see, the City can save on certain tipping fees and even get a return on the recyclables collected with us all working towards an efficient approach to the trash pick-up process. With this in mind, we are asking for your assistance as follows:
1. Residents are requested to establish a strong recycling program within their home.
2. Rental and business property owners are asked to establish a recycling program with their tenants and employees.
3. Ensure that you have an ample size container that will hold your recyclables for the week.
4. Recyclables cannot be placed in plastic bags, they will not be picked up, as per the County MUA.
5. As with the trash, please do not put recyclables out to curb prior to 9pm the night before pick-up but no later than 7am on the day of pick-up.
6. All small yard debris, if requested for pick up, must be contained to one 32gal container or tied in a 3’ to 4’ bundle.
7. Bulk trash permits can be obtained through the City Clerk’s Office. Pre-paid/permitted bulk trash and yard waste can be scheduled for pick-up by calling (609)522-2942.
8. The City’s Recycling Center located at Spicer and Susquehanna is open to residents and taxpayers only. We accept house hold trash, recyclables and yard waste only.
NO Construction Debris / Hazardous Materials / Paint
**Placing household trash bags into a City owned trash container is not permitted. Placing household trash bags next to a City owned container or at the curb is in violation of City ordinance 3-6.3. (Placement of Litter in Receptacles) and is subject to a fine.
Help us, help you in maintaining a clean city!
To obtain further information on the City of Wildwood’s trash services, bulk fees and pick-up times please visit us at