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Writer's pictureLisa Fagan


1. Meeting called to order by Board Chairman/Secretary.

2. Board Chairman/Secretary leads Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Roll Call.

4. Board Chairman/Secretary Reads Open Public Meetings Act Announcement.

5. New Business:

A. Pacific Ave Redevelopment Plan

B. 100 E Magnolia, LLC 02-21P

6. Memorializing Resolutions:

A. Scott Peter 19-20P

B. Wall Street Holdings 1, Inc. 01-21P

C. Catdaddies II, LLC 02-20Z Amended

7. Approval of minutes from February 1, 2021 & February 18, 2021

8. Meeting open to the Public.

9. Meeting Adjourned.

The agenda is subject to change based on the submission of any additional information, revisions or failure to submit. Formal action may be taken by the board if deemed appropriate by the board members.

No new testimony will be taken after 9:00 PM.

City Wildwood's Zoom Meeting-Planning/Zoning Board

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