Clean Ocean Action (COA) is excited to announce the 39th Annual Fall Beach Sweeps, taking place on Saturday, October 19, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM.
On behalf of COA, we want to express our gratitude for your continued support and participation in the Beach Sweeps. We hope to see many of you this fall. Our volunteers remain eager to give back to the ocean while collecting valuable data during their service, which is used to produce the Beach Sweeps Annual Report (below).
COA commends the numerous municipalities across New Jersey that have utilized data from the Beach Sweeps to support initiatives aimed at reducing single-use plastics. With New Jersey's "Get Past Plastics" Law now in effect for over two years, we are thrilled to report that our 2023 data continues to show decreases in plastic shopping bags, plastic straws, and Styrofoam takeout containers! We look forward to further monitoring the impacts of this law as the state enters its third year of implementation. This law is a shining example of how scientific research can drive meaningful policy changes—made possible through the participation of towns in the Beach Sweeps program.